“I LIKE BIG butts an I cannot lie…”
There’s nothing more satisfying or inadvertently hilarious than watching a film and spotting a “goof”. A background extra looking straight into the camera, for example, or a glaring continuity error.
Twitter user @iluvbutts247 was watching Valkyrie, a war film starring Tom Cruise, when they noticed that Cruise’s arse looked abnormally large in one scene.
They proposed that Cruise was wearing a “fake butt” in the scene and the photo soon spread like wildfire across social media.
@iluvbutts247 is not the first person to notice Cruise’s huge arse.
A YouTube user uploaded a video entitled “Tom Cruise’s Juicy Ass (From Valkyrie)” in October 2011, which depicts the moment in full.
Twitter users have surmised that Cruise, who is renowned for doing his own stunts, is wearing some sort of padding.
Indeed @iluvbutts247 conceded that this was probably the case, but pointed out that it was the “rump’s robustness” that made this stand out.
Kim Kardashian, eat your heart out.